The ACED Project
Throughout the process of workshops, we came to two main streams of activities:
- Internal work - activities oriented towards people in the house because main strengths are tradition and people’s attachment to it, response to needs for better engagement of the artistic staff and need for better intergenerational connectedness and transfer of knowledge, experience, heritage and history. Internal activities comprehend regular meetings of staff from different departments and an open call for staff and retired staff to participate.
- External work - developing further activities for the audiences we want to attract
We realised that theatre consists of three isolated elements: the artists, the backstage workers and the audiences. When you put together all those people, their personal stories and experiences, you get a much more authentic picture of what theatre is, was, and could be.
The target audience we wanted to work with was: - People who have been visiting theatre since they were kids.
- People who have been working in the theatre for some time.
- Retired theatre staff (artistic and non-artistic).
- Most of them welcomed the idea of sharing their memories and were willing to participate.
Looking for the activities that would link internal and external work, we came to the conclusion that the best project that intertwines the needs and approaches of both types of work demand is “Time Capsule”. Time Capsule was first conceived in the Applause, Please educational programme dedicated to audience development in the framework of Rijeka – European Capital of Culture 2020. In that sense, we went further to develop activities around Time Capsule, a project well received by the management. Time Capsule consists of a reflection on the old time capsule and construction of the new one.

The Time Capsule is a project where we record interviews with the audience, the Theatre ex, and current employees.
Collecting these stories, we will create an emotional archive of the theatre, of which a part will be virtually accessible.
The Time Capsule will be a part of the Zajc Gallery; the permanent exhibition is in the Theatre building.

That you have to be ready to adjust your ideas.
That you have to be aware of your organization’s strengths and weaknesses and ready to recognize opportunities to create a smooth change and shape your project the way it fits while keeping your goals clear.
You have to gather a group of people who feel good and happy about the project for personal reasons.
Further Information
Listen to the reflections of the people who took part in it:
Antonija Letinic - Sufficiently open to diversity
Jasmina Segon - New ways of doing things
A glance at the Opera world
by Katarina Mazuran (Part 3) June 2021