
Check these resources for specially adapted and created tools, more information about our experiences, advice from elsewhere and the theories behind ACED.


Exploring the background to the process


Audience Development - The Adeste Journey

Alessandra Gariboldi, President of Fondazione Fitzcarraldo and lead on the Adeste+ project reflects on Audience Development as it has been conceived and developed by the Adeste partnership

Design model for ACED PDF

How design thinking has shaped ACED

Elsewhere on the web

Google Design Sprints

Find out more about how Google applies design thinking -

IBM Design Thinking Framework

Board of Innovation

Resource sharing business innovation techniques and design thinking applied to organisations

Design Thinking

Why collaborative, design thinking helps us solve problems effectively and for a better society. Popular TED Talk from Tim Brown.

Culture and the European Project

Mercedes Giovinazzo of Interarts, Spain, talks about the need to recognise the importance of culture in the European Project


Elsewhere on the web

Adeste Plus Project

Find out more about the whole project

The Adeste Plus Parnters

See all the partners here

Previous project: Connect

Find out more about our Connect Audiences project, where many of the ideas and approaches in ACED were developed

A Glance at Opera World 1

Macarena Cuenca of Deusto University talks with opera practitioners about becoming more visitor centred at the Adeste+ Waterfall seminar programme in June 21

A Glance at Opera World 2

Macarena Cuenca of Deusto University talks with opera practitioners about becoming more visitor centred at the Adeste+ Waterfall seminar programme in June 21



Unfreeze questions PDF

Questions to ask about your organisations, its plans and the place of your community and audiences. You could use the questions in a workshop/ discussions at the Unfreeze stage.

Journey Mapping Canvas PDF

Use this tool to plot a "map" of the audience experience - what's good and bad about it, for all audiences or specific target groups. It could be a useful analysis tool.

Our vision PDF

Tool to help you consider and plot your organisations purpose and outlook

Elsewhere on the web

"Unfreeze" from Lewin's Change Management Model

Find out more about Lewin's model and the concept of "unfreezing", or getting ready for change.

Audience Journey Mapping

We found journey mapping a helpful tool to think about how we could improve audience's total experience.

Visitor Journey Mapping

Introduction to journey mappin


Background reading and more on the place of empathy in ACED


Persona building exercise

Create a believable, “flesh and blood” person to represent your target audience. ​

Persona Canvas

Persona Canvas Questions PDF

Get To Know Canvas

Prompts to help you carry out research to test and validate your assumptions

Newcomer Empathy Exercise 1 PDF

Try this simple exercise to help a team build empathy with first-time visitors.

Newcomer Empathy Exercise 2 PDF

Try this more complex, 2-part exercise with a group to promote empathy with first-time visitors. Don't tell participants what the 2nd part of the activity is until they have completed the first.

Journey Mapping Canvas PDF

Use this tool to plot a "map" of the audience experience - what's good and bad about it, for all audiences or specific target groups.

Elsewhere on the web

Empathy as a keystone of ACED

Melting Pro's Antonia Silvaggi explains why and how empathy is the driver behind ACED. See her presentation by way of an introduction to Step 3.

Empathy: Dr Brenè Brown

A great, wise little talk on the difference between "empathy" and "sympathy".

How people drive strategy at Polo '900

Alessandro Bollo's presentation at the Adeste+ Summer School 2021 shows how the Polo '900 is organised to serve its diverse publics

Empathy on the Edge

Design gurus' Ideo on the deifining role of empathy in Design Thinking

Simple journey mapping

Simple introduction to this approach to understanding the whole experience

Advanced Journey Mapping

A more complex guide to plotting a journey map

Empathy Mapping Canvas

Dave Gray's update on Xtrane's useful empathy mapping tool, much repurposed and used in the cultural sector



ACED How Might We Canvas PDF

Canvas to help create a strong "How Might We...?" question

Needs Statement PDF

A tool to help you focus on the needs your experience design should respond to.

Elsewhere on the web

How to create a brilliant User Needs Statement

A user needs statement can help you bring a lot of research and intelligence together in a way that can help generate great ideas and unlock your team's creativity. Follow Macarena Cuenca's presentation for an insightful introduction to making your user needs statement fly




Use this tool to help you come up with more and different ideas, either as part of Ideation or in adapting your prototype

Selecting Solutions PDF

Use this tool to select good design candidates following ideation. A "convergent thinking" too.

Ideation Golden Rules PDF

Some tips and hints on ideation workshops

Elsewhere on the web

Ideation step-by-step

Follow Ilidio Louro's presentation to learn to ideate like a pro. Designer/ architect Ilidio is now a director of Adeste+ partner Mapa das Ideas and has led ideation workshops with many organisations and partners. In this session he shares the process and tips.



Video: More on prototyping

Prototype Statement PDF

Use this tool to define what you want to test and learn

Video Case Study Mercury Prototype

Selecting Solutions PDF

Use this tool to select the best design candidates to take forward


Love It, Leave It PDF

Elsewhere on the web

Prototyping in a cultural organisation

Niels Righolt (from the Danish Centre for Arts & Interculture) offers a presentation here that will show you how to apply the theories and practice of prototyping to an arts and cultural setting. Use this presentation to show when and how to use prototyping in ACED and for lots of great tips.

Design Sprints at the British Museum

Advice on running a sprint to test a prototype

Case study: Harinera arts centre in Zaragoza involve young people in prototyping and testing

Harinera ZGZ has been working on a collaborative process prototyping experiences to promote participation, diversity and inclusivity. They decided to focus on young audiences and followed a series of workshops based on the ACED process. Harinera is a space for community culture and they needed to adapt the toolkit to specific needs. See the video to hear more about how.

More from Harinera ZGZ on working with young people

Practitioners and participants tell their story



Love It Leave IT PDF

Journey Mapping Canvas PDF

Use this tool to plot the "map" of the experience you want to offer and/or develop

Audience Development Cycle PDF

The audience development cycle and how ACED makes is more rapid and audience-centred

Audience Development matrix PDF

Use this matrix to help you form an audience development plan - and to help you decide where and when to use ACED in future

Elsewhere on the web

What's the point of an audience development plan?

Article exploring the difference between a campaign plan and lasting audience development plan

Guide to creating and audience development plan

Simple step-by-step guide to audience development much used in the UK

Audience Development: placing audiences at the centre

Collaborative study commissioned from the EU (and involving many Adeste partners) into changes in audience development practice.

Considering Co-creation

Some great resources on co-creative practice from the Creative People & Places network in the UK

ACED to connect with younger audiences

How Harinera in Zaragoza used the ACED blueprint to build a younger audience

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  • Rach Oxton-King

    Comment on resources