
Are You Ready for ACED?

Are You Ready for ACED?

ACED is a framework for change and invites organisations to do new things, probably in new ways and for new people. It might not be right for all organisations. If you can answer “yes” to most of these questions, you are probably able to benefit.

Take the Test

  • Are you interested in developing a more experimental culture?
  • Do you want to attract new and/ or more diverse audiences?
  • Are you open to changing any aspect of your offer - including venue, programme, partnerships, sales and communication?
  • Are you willing to change how you make plans and decisions, involving more people in the organisation?
  • Can you make a long-term commitment – at least 3 months?
  • Can you dedicate a small budget and staff time to experimental activity?
  • Can you involve colleagues from all teams in your organisation?
  • Is the Executive/ Leadership fully briefed and supportive?

Read more about Step 1 – Prepare