Explore ACED

Step 8 – Embed

What next? Taking a user-centred approach, everyday. How will your organisation change, after ACED?



In this last step, reflect on the ACED experience from an organisational perspective. What did you learn. What needs to change? What aspects of the approach worked well and what should become part of everyone's everyday practice?


As in the previous stage, you might find it useful to hold a learning workshop/s with the Task Force and other members of the team. Capture ideas and develop them into a plan, set of intentions or manifesto. There are lots of ways to approach this, here are some suggestions for the senior team.

  • Ask the Task Force to evaluate their experience
  • What learning would they like to share and how?
  • Ask them to make some recommendations for the wider organisation - about the target audience but also about the ACED process and how it could work in future
  • You might want to share this learning and recommendations with the wider organisations and get their views and feedback. Can you involve audiences or stakeholders? Follow the principle of getting lots of ideas from everyone and then agreeing the most important and useful one.
  • Ask the senior team to evaluate the experience from their perspective and add their own recommendations and then agree:
    • What practices and approaches could you take forward as an organisation?
    • What would you hope to gain and how will you know its working?
    • What will change?
    • Who will need to be involved? Who will lead/ facilitate/ champion any changes or new practices?
    • What if any dedicated resources will be required?
  • Consider implementing some of these ideas as a trial - or prototype - reviewing and adapting them rapidly and ongoing
  • Try using a tool like Audience Canvas that encourages you to apply ACED to new programming
  • Review the ongoing success of using ACED - or its approaches - as part of your regular review cycles too

By the end...

You should have captured key learning from ACED, identified the ways it could help your organisation ongoing, and agreed some ideas to try out. Learning will be integrated into regular practices. Everyone in the organisation will have benefited from learning.

Organisational Learning

  • Reviewing and developing strategy iteratively
  • Adopting new ways of doing things as part of "everyday" practice
  • Developing a (new) audience development strategy

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