So you have some great new ideas but how can you find out quickly if they really work? And how can you adapt and improve them? One of the best ways to find this out is to create a “prototype” from which you can learn and adapt.

For the ACED process you will create and test a prototype of (aspects of) the experience you could offer. The key idea is to learn as much as you can from the most provisional version – think of it as crating a “minimum viable experience” about which you will collect feedback and data. You can (continue) to experiment, learn and adapt in this way with live, launched activities, they don’t have to be discrete, “test-only”. In this way, you can continue to improve experiences ongoing.
- Develop a prototype. That is an early sample, model or try-out of the experience. It could be anything from a mock up a brochure to a full “scratch” event – and you might want to build up from very simple prototypes to more involved ones. Write a “Prototype Statement". Keep the costs to the minimum before you commit to a bad idea.
- Plan how you will collect data – ticketing data, surveys, web analytics. Most important of all, make sure you have an opportunity to talk directily with your target group. If your work is participatory and co-creative, make sure participants are involved with developing the protype and testing it themselves and/or with others.
- Develop a test plan or “pitch” which sets out how you will create the prototype/s, test it, gather feedback and review that feedback. Include your Prototype Statement and explain what you are trying to learn, who will be involved, what resources you require and the time scale.
- Pitch your plan to managers and/ or colleagues to get their support, involvement and any permission or resources you require. Keep everyone in the learning loop.
- Run your prototype session – and don’t forget, it’s the feedback that matters
- Once complete, review your prototype and document what you have learnt. Working in your task force - and possibly with participants - try using the Love it, Leave it tool.
- Ask: is your experience ready for roll-out or do you need to adapt and test another version?
By the end…
You will have:
- Developed, tested and reviewed a protoype or “minimm viable experience".
- A new experience for launch or further, iterative development.
Organisation learning
You will learn
- Prototyping, the agile process of iterative product and service development
Audience & Community Insights
You will get first hand feedback about new ideas and directions